Reduce your chances of losing money to scammers
Scammers never rest; they continue to come up with new ways to trick us. Stay alert, especially whenever you are using technology. Don’t click on anything in an unsolicited email or text message asking you to update or verify personal or account information. Be cautious of things you receive in the mail as well. Store your passwords securely. A scammer….
Pretends to be someone you know… Don’t rely only on caller ID to confirm someone’s identity. Be cautious and hang up quickly when you receive an anonymous phone call. Look up the company’s phone number through a legitimate source like a statement or letter provided by the company. Text messages are the new way scammers get you to engage, so be weary of friendly messages from unknown numbers. If you get a text from a phone number you do not recognize that gives an urgent message to respond, do not respond.
Pressures you to act immediately… Avoid clicking on suspicious messages, links, attachments, or pop-ups asking you to act immediately. Do not ever grant remote access to your device unless you are working with a reputable company. The hackers goal is to convince users into believing their computer has issues that they can fix so you will disclose your personal information or grant them access to your computer.
Asks you to pay in a specific manner… Never send funds to anyone until you can confirm that the payment is due and method is legitimate. Regularly review your incoming and outgoing transactions on your bank and account statements to make sure you recognize every listed transaction. Report any incorrect transactions immediately.
Offers a deal too good to pass up… Websites and social media ads often entice consumers with eye-catching products, but unfortunately, they may fail to deliver the promised goods or even provide counterfeit items. Be aware because this type of scam can involve fake checkout processes, which can result in financial loss or identity theft for the buyer.