About Us

Securing the Future

Life can present unexpected health and financial challenges to seniors, particularly to those of us who are blessed with long lives. Many have lived frugally and planned ahead for retirement. Yet volatile investment markets and rising medical costs can put incredible pressures on us. Worry over running out of money that we’ve counted on to last a lifetime can add additional stress that may even affect our health. Residents of Willamette View are fortunate to live in a caring community where all levels of care are provided. But what about the financial challenges you may face?

Help with your financial concerns is available at the Willamette View Foundation. We are a tax-exempt, non-profit organization dedicated to helping seniors in the Willamette View retirement community maintain their financial security. Residents are assured of confidentiality when talking with the Foundation. Through the generous support of our donors, the Foundation offers assistance programs and provides general financial information. Our services can help enhance the feelings of security and contentment inherent in living in a continuing care retirement community.

Annual Report

WVF 2023 Annual Report WVF 2022 Annual Report WVF 2021 Annual Report WVF 2020 Annual Report WVF 2019 Annual Report WVF 2018 Annual Report WVF 2017 Annual Report WVF 2016 Annual Report WVF 2015 Annual Report

Our Team

The Foundation’s management team.

Board of Directors

Meet the Willamette View Foundation Board of Directors.

Contact Us

Address, phone number, and e-mail to contact us.

Financial Statements

Foundations like ours are required by law to report and disclose certain financial information. This information must be certified by outside auditors. It includes our statements of financial positions, operations, and changes in net assets.